Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After sitting through 123 interviews that took about 23 hours over 2 days, it is safe to say that I am a little tired. and drained.  But with that, came a breath of fresh air. Definitely not literally since I was stuck inside in the same room for 2 whole days, but spiritually I found myself refreshed. Hearing the countless number of people walk in and talk about servant leadership really boosted my spirits. In this day and time, so many people are looking out solely for themselves. The past two days have helped to show me how being servant-hearted is not a trait that has died.

The BIG Event is a project that has become dear to my heart. Last year serving as a Project Coordinator helped me to continue to develop my leadership skills, but more importantly gave me a chance to minister to people here in this Auburn community. So many times I have found myself trapped in this bubble of my friends where I don’t reach out to those that are hurting right here in the very community I live in. Now I have been given a chance to serve as an Assistant Director of the BIG Event and I am pumped! Especially after nailing down the Project Coordinators for this year’s BIG Event.

The Project Coordinators for this year absolutely blew me away in their interviews. Hearing their faith and how they believe in serving others before themselves was so refreshing. The idea that humility is a foundation of leadership was evident in all of their lives. Jesus washed the feet of the disciples and became a servant. That is what these Project Coordinators want to do. They want to serve this community and put their needs above their own. This is a ministry that we have been given, and I am so excited to see how these Project Coordinators take this opportunity to further His Kingdom and bring glory to His name!

With that excitement, I think my job and ministry opportunity has become clear.  SERVE THESE PROJECT COORDINATORS. Before interviews, I think I had forgotten what servant leadership would look like for me in my position. I have been given a great opportunity to minister to these PC’s, and it would be a shame for me to treat them different from the way I expect them to treat all of the people they will help to serve. Lead by example. I want to wash their feet. I want to show them that in order to lead, I must serve. Lord, you have given me an opportunity to minister to these people. Don’t allow me to let this pass. May you be given all of the glory.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Praise God!

Give me discipline so that I may grow in my walk with with You. I want to draw near to You. Nothing else in this life will satisfy me or give me a peace outside of You. You are the Maker, the Life-sustainer and You hold me in Your hand. I turn away from You so often and yet You pursue me. You are the Good Shepherd and You will not abandon me nor forsake me. Father, I live two separate lives so often and put You on only when it fits me and my needs. And yet You welcome me home with open arms. You love me despite the ugliness and nastiness that is my sin. I am but filthy rags. But because of Your Son, I am washed white as snow. My sin was nailed upon the cross and I have been made clean. You conquered death and sin no longer has power. I am now more than a conqueror through Your love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation can separate me from Your love that is in Christ Jesus my Lord! Lord, You are good and Your mercies endureth forever! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

Praise God! He is good!

And Father, give me the courage and power to declare this message to the world, because they need You just as much as I do. This is a fallen world, but You can raise it up and You will be glorified.

Praise God!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Your Word

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 
--2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed. And how often do I just not even open it up to look and see what He has for me. Everything in there is straight from the living God. His Word will equip me for every good work, for everything that could possibly come my way. His Word is all-satisfying. 

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your Word."--Psalm 119:9.

It is that simple. Live according to Your Word. Of course the first step for me is to open it. There are so many days where I waste my time watching TV or just doing absolutely nothing when that time could be dedicated to hearing the living God speak. And how many times do I try to substitute listening to some worship music as my time in the Word. How many times am I going to exalt the words of Chris Tomlin over the very words of God?! And when am I going to be able to recite Scripture passages as long as entire songs? I can sing a song with no problem and know every single word, but throw a passage of Scripture in front of me and I stumble over the words.

"I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I may not sin against you."--Psalm 119:11

It is time for me to be disciplined. It is time for me to stand on the Rock, the firm foundation that is Your Word. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Will Wait Upon the Lord

One of the most misinterpreted verses, or rather, words in the Bible would have to be Isaiah 40:31 particularly the word "wait."

                 "but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall
                  mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary; they
                  shall walk and not faint."--Isaiah 40:31

So many times I catch myself saying "oh well I'm just going to wait and see what the Lord has for me" or "I'm just going to wait for the Lord to give me a clear sign about whether I should do that or not." The problem with this logic is that Scripture clearly tells us a lot of things to do. "Go and make disciples" for instance is one clear form of this. How many times do I decide to sit around and wait for the Lord to tell me if I should minister to a certain person? A lot. Scripture clearly says YES, minister to that person, spread my gospel.

If you had a waiter at a restaurant that always waited for you to ask for something without them doing it, they would be a pretty horrible waiter. To "wait" means to "serve." If we are serving the Lord and seeking Him in everything we do, then His plan for our life is going to be more evident and clear. If I just sit back and "wait" for God to send some sign for everything then I am going to miss so many opportunities to serve Him. When I throw off all the other things that distract me in this world and focus on serving the one true God, I am going to be able to run and not be weary. I will walk and not faint. I don't want to "wait" on the Lord. He has already told me what I am supposed to do. I am supposed to serve Him. I will wait on Him.

Throw Me in the Fire


I am deeply in need of You.  In everything, I need to fall more and more in love with YOU.  I let so many things take my attention away from serving You, the God who created me. Loved me. Died for me. And saved me. Abba, You have never left my side. You hold me in Your hand. Lord, I'm tired of living a life that isn't completely on fire for You. 


God I want to fall more in love with You. Father break me down so that You can build me back up. May Your glory be displayed in my life. God I want to serve You in a way I never have.


I have grown to be in a state of comfortability in where I am in my walk with You. That is a dangerous place for me to be in. I no longer want to be comfortable. I want to glorify You. People will say that there is no safer place than in God's Will, but Father I know that isn't always true. Persecution is a part of this walk, and Lord I am ready to make a stand. You are all-satisfying. Help me to trust You more.


Father, I want to fall more in love with you.

"Burn Us Up" by Shane & Shane